Sunday, April 19, 2015

SoHo Haul!

So just a quick heads up, this will probably be a lengthy post but let's get into it!

The first store I visited was Necessary Clothing which probably has to be one of my favorite stores, they have the cutest things! Here's what I got from there:
Unfortunately my sunglassss broke so I actually only went back to buy the same ones cause I'm in love with them! However the pair on top caught my eye so I tried them on and they stole my heart as well! I was going to buy them in black because I didn't want to have only brown sunglassss but I just love them in that color. These were $5.43 each.
Next was this maxi dress which I love! I actually don't own any maxi dressss with splits so this is very exciting and the back opening on the dress also adds a beautiful look to it, I can't wait to put it on! This dress was $24.99.

*I also purchased my birthday dress from Necessary but I don't want to post it till then

The next store I went to was Forever 21. I actually didn't plan on finding anything since I haven't found anything I liked from there in quite a while, but surprisingly I did today. 
I found this shirt randomly on a rack and instantly loved the color it just also so happened to be my size! Now that it's getting warmer tees will be my go to piece of clothing so finding a cute one is definitely a plus. This shirt was $14.90
So I'm really excited about this purchase! I haven't bought let alone worn earrings in years but I missed how cute they looked, especially since I have my firsts and seconds pierced I thought it was time to give them a try again. The large pack was $6.90 and the small pack was $3.90
I bought full size lint rollers from Forever 21 a while back but always find myself traveling with them and they can take up a lot of space in my bag so I was super excited to find mini lint rollers + refill that I can take anywhere. Not only are they so convenient but look at them they're so stylish and cute too! Both packs were $1 each.
Lastly I found this on the checkout line they had them in all colors but of course I chose pink. I just thought it was so handy, sometimes it's good to have a massager on hand for those achy shoulder days. This massager was $3.90

The third and last store I visited was mystique. I've been going to mystique for a few years now but never really purchased anything. Today I found some cute things though!
The first thing I bought was this dress. I've been looking for a casual mid calf dress just like this. I was slightly bummed  that this was the only color they had since I was looking forward to racking up on these. The dress was $17.99
Yes, I already have this and yes, I bought it again! Both colors that I have this in got messed up somehow so I was so happy to see that mystique had them. I'm so obsessed with these stretchy bodysuits they're so versatile and can be worn day or night wether the event is casual or dressy this will do! I purchased it in black as well. Both bodysuits were $24.99 each.

So there's my SoHo haul I'm so pleased with the turnout and can't wait to wear these for summer!

Until next time, xoxo 

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